Welcome to Hartland High School!
Link Crew is a freshman transition program that helps incoming 9th
graders make the adjustment to the high school environment. Link
Leaders, 11th and 12th graders, help make this transition possible. Link
Crew organizes Freshman Orientation, a freshman-only day before the
first day of school that provides the opportunity to meet other 9th
grade students. It empowers students to make wise choices and helps
prepare freshman for a successful first day of school. Orientation
includes a tour of the campus and time to become familiar with staff
members. Link Crew also organizes events such as: monthly group meetings
during seminar and Cocoa and Cram in January,
Link Crew believes...
- in education.
- the voice of one student can have a profound impact on the life of another
- what happens at your school can change lives.
- in students and what they have to offer.
- in the hope and opportunity that schools provide.
- in the vision of what schools can be.
- you get back what you give.
Link Crew Objectives
- to empower juniors and seniors as role models for freshman.
- to increase academic success through support for peers.
- to develop Leadership skills in students on the campus.
- to allow successful older students to pass on positive traditions to younger students
- to expose students to a variety of individuals in positive situations.
- to teach students that by working together they ca be successful and enjoy one another.to help create a supportive and positive atmosphere on the campus and in the community.